Thursday, June 11, 2009

Schools Out!

Today was the last day of school!! WHOOHOO! Can you feel my excitement? You know I love my job~especially on days like today{grin} It's great being able to stay at home when my kids are home..holidays and summer's perfect! I love every minute!
Today is kind of eye opening though. Now I have a second grader, a sixth grader, and a ninth grader. Don't forget the baby! Madison will graduate high school the same year Sophia starts school. I will be sending one girl to college and one to kindergarten! That's crazy, huh? No, it's all good!
I tried to get some pictures of the boys leaving school today. It didn't turn out too good. The fifth graders always get to run to the buses on the last day of school. Well, they did it a little different at Riverdale today. They got to go through the entire school! And then off to the buses. So Connor went by me pretty quick. I tried!

We had a little luncheon after school. Braeden was waiting in my room..I guess he got tired of waiting...

Leaving Riverdale until September...

And I wanted to share some awards Madison got this year. She made all A's this year. She took two high school classes! Way to go! You know she loves to read, so of course she received a certificate for her AR points. And the other one was for her SOL scores from last year. You know at the middle school they have an awards ceremony but I'm not sure if parents go. Madison said they don't. I don't know. I was working so I couldn't have gone anyway. But I am still very proud of her accomplishments. She's such a smart girl! Keep up the good work! I wanted to get a picture of her holding these but she had already gone to bed. So a picture will have to do. (Braeden thought I was crazy,taking a picture of a piece of paper:)

I work tomorrow for a bit and then 'The Summer Adventures' begin!!
I love you guys!

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