Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Heart Day

Today is that special day to remember your sweetheart. 16 years and 4 kids later, I love Mine more than ever! Here are a few 'Love Notes' to my Big Sweetheart and my four little Sweethearts.....
HUBBY *I love that Dean picked me! Thanks for not giving up on me. I love you!
KIDS *I love being your Mom. What a wonderful gift from God to be a mother, your mother. Thank you guys for the wonderful blessings you have brought into my life. I love you Madison,Connor, Braeden and Sophia!
HUBBY *I love that our family is so important to you. You are a wonderful husband and father. I am so thankful we have kept adding to our family. We have been blessed for doing so :-)
KIDS *I love Connor's sense of humor. This boy cracks me up. He is such a sweetheart and I love how he loves his baby sister. He is so good with her.
KIDS *I love that Madison is so compassionate. She looks out for others and enjoys doing it. I also love that she enjoys learning. She is very smart. She is a great example for her younger siblings. Love you Mat-Mat!
HUBBY *I love when Dean surprises me with laughter. He can be a real clown! Everyone needs some laughter in their life.
KIDS *I love Sophia's smile. Oh, it just melts my heart. Need I say more?
HUBBY *I love Dean for being so patient with me. Thanks for helping me with all my 'important' decisions. I know it drives you crazy sometimes but you are so good at it :-)
KIDS *I love that my Braeden is so sensitive. He really is. Not only to people's needs but also to the spirit. You would be amazed at some of our conversations. He is such a sweet blessing to our family.
HUBBY *I love that Dean is such a helpful husband and Dad. People always tell me how lucky I am. I truly am. He is so helpful, he always pitches in to help. He is a fantastic cook. I love how he always makes sure each of our children know just how much he loves them.

I am so thankful that God had a plan 23 years ago when Dean and I met. I never imagined that it was going to be this good!
Happy Valentines Day!

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