Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Faux-Hawk...

"Why did you let him get a Mohog?" This is what I heard from Braeden when we got home today. Connor got his haircut today because he is going to be gone over the next four weeks. I didn't know if we would be able to squeeze one in. So we went today. Connor has been a character today. He was joking around about a mohawk. And as you can see this is how he left the hair salon! Oh, he was loving it. You see, Braeden has been begging me for I don't know how long to get a mohog as he calls it. And for some reason I just can't let him do it. So he was a little upset when he saw his brother. I had to explain to him that Connor's hair wasn't cut like that and he really didn't get a mohawk. Then he was okay.
Connor had his end of the season baseball party tonight also. And he didn't mind wearing his hair all spiked up to the party. People were probably wondering why his momma let him wear his hair like that! He did get a few compliments though.
We had a good time at the party. The boys enjoyed playing the adults in a game of baseball.
This was Connor's last year on the Mustang team. He will be moving up to the Bronco team in the fall.

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