Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School ~2009~

Wow! We made it through the first day back. I am totally exhausted but that's okay. I will try to go to bed early tonight. Oh, wait a minute that probably won't happen. I need to start on those lesson plans that are due Friday! But I will get to that later tonight. I just finished getting the baby to bed. She was so tired. She isn't used to getting up so early. I got to see her for a few minutes before I left this morning.

I got her daddy to take her to daycare this morning. He said it was like she never left. I was so relieved to hear this. He said after we left this morning she went and got her bag and said "truck, daddy." So I am praying that this transition continues to be a smooth one for her.
We had a pretty good morning here in The Whitehurst house. I actually got up without hitting the snooze button! Madison and Connor got up with no problems. Connor got up so early he even had time to sit down and look at a book!

I let little Braeden sleep in as long as possible. Then it was up for breakfast.

Just imagine our house this morning...I had to make sure I was up and ready so I could get all those pictures I wanted and be able to leave on time. And I did it!
I am still trying to grasp the concept that I have three children in three different schools this year!! Elementary, Middle and High School...It just seems so unreal. But I know that it is real and we are going to adjust. My mind is just spinning right now from all this new information! I had so many papers to fill out for the three of them, but I can proudly say that it is done and everything is back in the backpacks! They are all telling me about their day and what they've got to do. I've enjoyed their stories. It seems that Madison and Connor both had a pretty good day. They both found classes, lockers, and buses. I'm so glad!
So one day down and 179 more to go! We are going to try really hard to get back into the swing of things. Those hectic, busy mornings are not something that I missed this summer! How exciting! I can remember my first year of high school. Whew! Madison was so cute on the phone today. I was still at school when her and Connor got home today. I was checking in on how their day went. One of her comments was..."Momma, those Honor classes are going to give me a run for my money." She made me smile. I quickly told her she was going to be fine and I'm sure she is up for the challenge.
We are looking forward to this new school year and all it's going to bring! You know, the field trips, projects, homework, early bed times...Bring it on...The Whitehursts are ready!

I had to jump in a shot with my babies! Don't know what was up with Braeden here?? Too many pictures I guess...

Who would of thought...rain on the first day of school...yuck! I was sad to be putting Connor boy on a bus. I am used to him being with me on the rides to and from school. He's getting all grown on me! (sniff sniff)

At least I still have Braeden at school with me. So I got the privilege to snap some shots of him this morning. He and I got a little wet this morning on the way into school. Check out those shorts!

Bless his heart! He was trying to dry off...

And wouldn't you know it!!! He is at it again! I was doing a few things in my room this afternoon and I guess I took too long or he was really tired!

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