Saturday, May 16, 2009

Isn't there a saying...

that says cleanliness is next to godliness? I think I have heard that before. I'm not quite sure what that means though. I have been working on the cleaning today! You know I used to get in trouble as a child for not keeping my room clean. Now I know how my parents felt. My boys don't like to keep theirs clean either. I usually have to go give it a good cleaning (sshh..don't tell them but I usually end up throwing stuff out that I don't think they need and they don't ever miss it!). I try my best to keep things straight around here, but with six people that is a big task! Sometimes it seems impossible to keep a clean house all the time. But you know some time back I read this saying that went something like this...'Please excuse our mess, we are busy making memories.' And that stuck in my mind. So I will try not to stress too much over some dirt on the floor, some unfolded clothes or toys scattered everywhere. It will all get taken care of. We are busy making memories!

Here is Miss Sophia trying out her vacuum!

Today I got to sleep in,thanks to my sweet hubby ! Isn't that great? He took Connor and Sophia to a fundraiser breakfast this morning. Sophie just happened to get up at 7 so I got up and got her dressed and then went back to bed. Braeden was still sleeping.

Connor spent most of the day with Gampa. They went to visit my dad's brother.
They enjoyed an afternoon of four wheeler riding and golf cart driving!

While I was busy inside today there was lots of action going on outside. So in between my 6 loads of laundry, cleaning floors, loading the dishwasher, and playing with the baby I took a few breaks to snap some pictures.

Braeden and Gracie are helping Dean make a greenhouse.

Playing in the sandbox is always a hit!

Having a snack break!

Going on a little bike ride!

Then Peyton came to stay with us for the evening. These boys played hard all afternoon and late into the evening! They played baseball, basketball, and looked for bugs.

Sophie made several trips outside today. This particular time she was trying to get in on the action with the boys! And then I got lots of cute shots of her.

Bubba on his way home from playing with the boys...

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