Thursday, May 21, 2009

They say the Early Bird...

gets the worm. But I think this early bird is getting something more...

As many of you know Dean has been out of work for almost a month. We are still not for sure what the problem is but are BELIEVING that God is his healer! For about the past week he has been getting up really early, like 4:30 or 5:00. And if you know us well, you know neither one of us are morning people! He says it is God waking him up for a reason. Some mornings he works on the church website stuff and sometimes he will go out and work on his flowers. This morning it was the flowers. And sometime this morning I received an e-mail he had sent out to several people. With his permission I am posting an excerpt from that message...

"I just wanted to let you all know that I am asking of God, that he, in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love, help you see the "Brightest Spots" in your day today. I will go out at first light and finishing trimming my "Double Knockouts" (roses), because purging the dead and decaying buds in the right spots (just above the the five leaf mark) will promise me a new bud and eventually a new bloom. So to, I will find my "five leaf mark", purge it and wait for what I have seen time and time again. "

This e-mail said a lot. We all have bright spots in our days... we just need to take the time to realize them and appreciate them.
Thanks Dean...I love you!!

As the saying goes...
"Stop and Smell the Roses"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are by far the most beautiful gardener I have been blessed with, keeping me planted, nutured and given me four of the most beautiful "Blooms" I could ever grow. I Love You, and thanks for making my day. Dean